The long and deep friendship between David Rockefeller -and several members of his family- with Fidel Castro would not be so important if David wasn’t one of the most influential and powerful men in the world.
Sole owner of the news of Wellington’s victory, Nathan rushed to sell his bonds of the British Crown in order to make believe the opposite to the British brokers. This move created panic in the stock exchange in London and all the brokers sold their bonds at bargain prices.
For its part, the French house of Rothschild, headed by Jacob Mayer, not only had financed Napoleon Bonaparte, who gave them the monopoly on the sale of the government bonds; they also backed the house of Orleans, supporting the promotion of Luis Felipe after the defeat of the Corsican, and the ruling houses of Belgium and Austria. [4]
The French Rothschild branch also controlled the rail and maritime transport between England and France, the French wine industry and the oil industry in Baku. To transport this, they created a fleet of tankers that supplied the Royal Dutch Shell Oil of His Majesty. [5]
Such has been the influence of the three branches of the Rothschild family over the European ruling houses that they all enjoy high nobility titles.
Since the surge of their house, the Rothschilds have followed the strategy of financing and controlling the various factions in all major conflicts.
At the outbreak of American Civil War, the interests of the Rothschild were both in the north and south. [6]
During the Franco-Prussian war the Rothschilds not only had financed both Napoleon III and the Kaiser as well but they made the biggest transaction in history to fund the compensation sought by the victorious Germany to France. [7]
One of the Rothschilds was "accidentally" eye witness of the battleship Maine explosion in the Havana port in 1898. Moreover, when he testified before a U.S. court, he was the one who created the theory that the blast was intentional. [8]
The Maine explosion resulted in Cuban Spanish American War and it inaugurated the U.S. world power. Needless is to say that the Rothschilds had large interests in the finances of both sides of the conflict, the Spanish Crown and the U.S. government, as well.
Decade and a half later, while soldiers massacred each other in the trenches of the First World War, the Rothschilds supported both the German Kaiser as their enemies, the Allied armies.
The Russian civil war kept the Rothschilds busy in the finances of both, the Bolshevik and the "White" armies as well.
In fact, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, alias Lenin, and the top leaders of the Russian Politburo were agents of the Rothschilds, who defrayed their passage from Switzerland to St. Petersburg in the famous sealed train, with the assault on the Winter Palace as bonus. [9]
The Rothschilds’ assets were behind the creation of the Bank For International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland, who helped finance industrialization, especially the military industrial complex of Nazi Germany and kept money flowing from Berlin to London and New York, and vice versa before, during and after the Second World War. [10]
The Rothschilds paid for the British and French colonial expansion. They financed the purchase of the Suez Canal by Britain to France; they paid for the oil exploration in Russia and in the Sahara; they financed the monarchies of the czars of Russia, the Habsburgs in most of Western Europe and the House of Windsor in England. They supported the diamond operations by Cecil Rhodes in South Africa and Rhodesia, and saved the Vatican from bankruptcy. Today, the Vatican keeps its huge gold reserves in the Rothschild banks. [11]
In the U.S., through their U.S. and European agents, they supported the Rockefeller's Standard Oil, the Carnegie metallurgical monopoly and the Harriman railroads.
The Rothschilds were, in summary, the real power behind the founding of the state of Israel.
Currently, it is said that the center of the Rothschild world government is in the City of London, an autonomous city in the Vatican fashion in the very middle of the British capital, which is neither subject to the English crown nor parliament.
London City is the headquarters of the Bank of England, the London Stock Exchange and major financial companies in the world. [11]
This has been a very brief account of the influence of the House of Rothschild in world affairs over the past 200 years. These were the powerful allies of John D. Rockefeller Junior, the father of the current head of Rockefeller family. With this force, the Rockefellers set out to dominate the economy and the U.S. government, and therefore the world.
In the vast Rockefellers’ agenda (and, therefore, of the Rothschilds’), Fidel Castro, as we shall see, has an important role.
(To be continued)
[2] Colonel Johann Gottlieb Rall Guilty of Tactical Negligence or Guiltless Circumstances? by Donald N. Moran http://www.revolutionarywararchives.org/rall.html
[3] The Rise of the House of Rothschild by COUNT EGON CAESAR CORTI. P 159 http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivos_pdf/rise_houserothschild.pdf
[4] The Rise of the House of Rothschild by COUNT EGON CAESAR CORTI. P 121, 134, http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivos_pdf/rise_houserothschild.pdf
[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rothschild_banking_family_of_France
[6] http://www.pakalertpress.com/2010/07/19/house-of-rothschild-no-one-can-understand-what-has-happened-to-the-planet-without-reading-this/
[7] http://www.businessweek.com/1999/99_49/b3658091.htm. Making Money from War--and Peace, Too; summary of the book THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD The World's Banker, 1849-1999 By Niall Ferguson
[8] http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=F20C1FF63F5D12738DDDA00894DD405B898CF1D3
[9] http://www.pakalertpress.com/2010/07/19/house-of-rothschild-no-one-can-understand-what-has-happened-to-the-planet-without-reading-this/
[10] Hitler's Banker Friends Creators of a Central bank for Central Banks http://www.thechristiansolution.com/doc2009/269_HitlerBank.html
[11] Ring of Power – Empire of the City – 4,000 Years of Suppressed History http://conspiracyrealitytv.com/ring-of-power-empire-of-the-city-4000-years-of-suppressed-history/