Thursday, September 15, 2011


Among the declassified documents by the FBI in recent years can be found many letters like the following:


December 20, 1971

Honorable J. Edgar Hoover

Dear Mr. Hoover


Well informed patriotic American citizen know that the Council on Foreign Relations with its elite membership of fourteen hundred is the invisible government of the United States that has controlled our foreign policy along Leftist lines through the past ten national administrations. Through tax exempt foundations, they are free to support subversion in the United States and other parts of the world.

[…]It is my humble opinion that a complete investigation by the F.B.I. of the Council on Foreign Relations will break the backbone of the communist conspiracy in the Unites States.



Another letter of April 1961 stated:

[....] Is Congress informed regarding the fact that [maimed], etc., etc. are members of the CFR? Why the CFR is no publicized? Have you investigated the CFR? 2

In another, you can read:

[....] According to several publications this "Council on Foreign Relations" allegedly is America's number one "Red Front" organization. Could you clarify this for me? 3

Many letters have harsh tones like this one from 1963:

[....] I think a thorough investigation of the "Council on Foreign Relations" is due. If I know its corruption, you surely must. 4

And this one from September 1964:

[....] I have been reading about an agency of the government known as the Council on Foreign Relations and I have become confuse on the actual purpose of this organization. While many prominent government officials have been linked with this agency, it appears their goals are contrary to the basic freedoms that this country was founded on.5

Invariably, the FBI replied these letters with the same cliché:

"We have never investigated the Council on Foreign Relations, New York City, and our files contains no identiable derogatory information concerning it. It was formed in 1922 and is self-described as a noncommercial and nonpolitical organization, which studies American foreign relations in an impartial and scholarly spirit...."6

In fact, the CFR, apparently, isn't quite different from the other non-governmental organizations also called "think tanks".

The aim of the so-called "think tanks" is the investigation of certain aspects of social life in order to provide advice primarily to the different branches of government to support their functions.7

In the U.S. alone, there are over 200 institutions deemed as "think tanks".8

The problem is that the CFR is America's most important "think tank" and possibly of the world. Its membership consist of the group of the 4.500 most influential corporate, government, political and academic personalities of the nación.9

For certain segments of the public, the most worrisome about the CFR is the secrecy with which it works and its undoubted influence over the government.

Many believe that members of the CFR are an elitist club that operates above and outside the framework of the laws and constitution, serving effectively as an invisible oligarchic government of the nation 10

Moreover, others regard the CFR as the secret government of the "New World Order", whatever it might be. 11

The critics and opponents of the Council on Foreign Relations are mainly political and social sectors considered as "isolationist" by their foes because of their attitude towards U.S. foreign policy. 12

The so-called "isolationists" consider the CFR as the nerve center of the groups and powers that advocate an internationalist and interventionist foreign policy.

Many of these so-called isolationist tendencies coincide with the radical left (ironically being substantially opposed to them) as they both consider the CFR as the "brain" of the American "Imperialism".

The antagonism between isolationism and internationalism has been one of the essential pivots of the political confrontations in the history of the U.S.

The most intransigent of the so-called "isolationists" put the origins of their political trend in the very origins of the founding of the United States as a nation. They claim that the arrival of the Mayflower to American shores brought the seeds of the rejection to wars and religious persecutions of European Monarchies.13

Meanwhile, founding fathers as Thomas Paine, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe defended the doctrine of maximizing business relations with foreign countries but on the other hand minimizing the political connections with them. 13

Only in extreme cases, when there have been attacks to the life of their fellow citizens, the so-called isolationists have compelled the government to intervene beyond its borders.

For example, in 1848, the defense and massacre of the Alamo triggered the war against Mexico, which joined Texas and vast parts of Mexico into the Union.

In 1898, the strange explosion of the battleship Maine in Havana Bay and the deaths of hundreds of its crew lit the Spanish American War, stripping the Spanish empire of its last possessions of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. 14

In 1915, German torpedoes led 133 Americans to the bottom of the sea along with other nearly 1,200 passenger of the steamers Lusitania and Arabic.15 These incidents, well-seasoned by the press, infuriated the public opinion, which forgot its traditional isolationists and demanded President Wilson to abandon its policy of neutrality and to get involved in World War I.

Only incidents such as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor -which prompted the entry of U.S. in the 2nd World War-, the events in the Gulf of Tonkin, that led to the Vietnam War, and the attack on the Twin Towers in New York have made the majority of the American people forget its traditional anti-interventionist spirit and allow the government involvement in foreign affairs.

The anti-internationalist sentiment has motivated great deal of Americans to reject their government's participation not only in the affairs and wars of other countries, but also in international organizations like the UN, the OAS, the World Bank, IMF and everything related with foreign policy. 16

Many right-wing isolationists agree with their hated enemies of the extreme left that all or most of the incidents that have involved the U.S. in foreign conflicts have been caused by conspiracies of the "merchants of death", mainly bankers and arms merchants, whose interests are opposed to ones of the American people.17
Conspiracy theories aside, it is true that banking and financial interests were the main promoters of the U.S. government intervention in international politics.

Needless to say that banking is a large supranational body.

Banking lives from the world market. Large international trade and monetary transactions are its main food.

Every economic, social or political event of importance is reflected in national and international banking. That is why banking has always tried to influence not only the economy but, especially, in national and international policies in the sense of its interests.

In general, banking has tried to influence the economy and politics of nations through their central banks.

As isolationism has been the dominant trend in America regarding foreign policy, concerning economic policy, has dominated the opposition to the creation of a central bank in North America, as we saw in the previous article. 18

As noted, international banking, led by the House of Rothschild, had endeavored to establish a U.S. central bank in order to control its economy and government, as they had done with the major European powers. This resulted in more than a century of political battles that even led to international wars.18

The American tycoons, as described in the previous article, took advantage and / or contribute to the great financial crisis of 1883, 1893 and 1907 not only to expand and strengthen their business empires but to convince the U.S. public of the need the creation of a new U.S. central bank to avoid or reduce economic crisis.18

In 1910, given the favorable spirit of the moment, the Morgan, the Rockefellers and the Rothschild sent their representatives to Jekyll Island in absolute secrecy, as we have seen 18, in order to draft the Federal Reserve Bill, in violation of legislative procedures the nation.

Similarly, they instructed their agent at the government, the alleged "Colonel" Edward Mandell House, the personal adviser of President Woodrow Wilson, to convince this to sign the Federal Reserve Act during the Congress Christmas holidays of 1913, an unconstitutional action that President Wilson will soon regret.18

The persistence of the banking domination on the Fed and the government was demonstrated by the congressional report of 1976, which bitterly acknowledges that "... the Federal Reserve system is dominated by a very small universe of private institutions ..." and that "... the directors of the Federal Reserve are clearly representative of a small elite group which dominates much of the economic life of this nation."20

However, despite of all the justified criticism and accusations, the creation of the Federal Reserve also meant the establishment of a new kind of economy, quite more dynamic and flexible than anything known before, based on debt and credit, and in a flexible currency.21

This new kind of economy will be expanded to the rest of the world with the Brenton Woods agreements at the end of WW II. This meeting established the global economic and political leadership of the U.S., the dollar as the universal currency and mean of reserve, as well as the bonds of U.S. government debt as the main mean of banking and national reserves.22

Anyway, despite all the criticism and negative effects, the type of economy dictated by the elite who control the Federal Reserve has been the main driving force of U.S. economic, technological, political and cultural global leadership.

No one can doubt, then, that knowledge and control of international relations and politics is one of the main objectives of the international banking elite.

Therefore, it is not surprising that these financial groups that advocated the creation of the Federal Reserve had the need to organize a team of experts to investigate the conditions and international political circumstances in order to design appropriate policies and strategies that fit the overall interests of the international financial elite.

In this sense, it is possible to say that the founding of the Council on Foreign Relations is a necessary consequence of the creation of the Federal Reserve.

At the end of the First World War, bankers, businessmen and lawyers raised major concerns about the isolationist boost in the U.S. and the effects of war and peace treaties on the postwar businesses.

Thus, in June 1918, a hundred leading figures from banking, industry, commerce and finance, along with many lawyers united around Elihu Root, created a club in New York.23

This select club called itself the Council on Foreign Relations.23

The original CFR was created to organize banquets in order to address pressing problems of finance and politics, and to make contact with distinguished foreign visitors under conditions congenial to future commerce.23

However, as the post-war skies began to clear for business, the members' interest in the dinner meetings dwindled to the point that, by April 1919, the original Council on Foreign Relations went dormant. 23

Nevertheless, after the war, there was another group very interested in reviving the Council on Foreign Relations.

In early 1918, our old friend, the "Colonel" House, had created already a working group of experts that should report to President Wilson about the options for the world to be born after the defeat of the Kaiser and Imperial Germany.

This team came to be called "The Inquiry".23

"The Inquiry" grouped about 150 university professors, graduate students, lawyers, economists, writers and others. 24

In ending the World War I, Wilson and House travelled to Europe with a large group of the "inquiry" to ensure U.S. presence in the peace talks.23

During the plenary session in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, scholars of "inquiry" helped draw the borders of Central Europe for the first twentieth century's postwar.23

In May 1919, in the midst of the peace talks, the members of "Inquiry" with senior American diplomats met with British counterparts at the Hotel Majestic in Paris to discuss their post-war cooperation. In this meeting was proposed the creation of an Anglo-American Institute for International Affairs with subsidiaries in London and New York.23

One of the objectives of the institute was the formation of the League of Nations as an international center where governments work together to settle disputes and a climate of stability and world peace.23

But President Wilson's ideas concerning the League of Nations were quite differed from the ones that flourished through the halls of Versailles.

Wilson, mesmerized by the ideas of "Colonel" House, conceived the League of Nations as the necessary antecedent of a future world government devoted to erase the borders between the countries, promoting the world's free trade, its development and peace.25

But some saw with great suspicion "Colonel" House's Internationalists "teachings".

The problem was that House was acting inspired by his fervent admiration for Marxism and Fabian socialism. Such fascination was expressed frankly in his novel "Philip Dru: Administrator" in which House tried to describe "socialism as dreamed by Marx".26

In July 1920, British diplomats and academics carried out their part, founding the Royal Institute of International Affairs in an elegant mansion known as Chatham House, as the Institute has come to be known. 27

But across the Atlantic, the members of "Inquiry" stumbled upon his return with a climate where isolationism had been reborn with renewed power and with a great hostility against any idea about the League of Nations and other of internationalist fashion born at the Paris talks.23

However, they managed to find a lifejacket.

Some members of the "Inquiry" approached the bankers and lawyers of the almost moribund Council on Foreign Relations, offering their expertise and international contacts -that these fully lacked- in exchange of a badly-needed funding. .23

So, after settling some ego issues, interests and conceptions, on February 3, 1921, the veterans of "The Inquiry" met with the former guests of the Council to find common ground for creating the future organization. This finally was founded in July of that year under the name of The Council on Foreign Relations, with which, of course, the scholars of the "Inquiry" wanted to ingratiate themselves with their benefactors.23

If we review the list of the founders of the new Council on Foreign Relations, there are no doubts about the orientation of the nascent "think tank" and its relationship with the promoters of the Federal Reserve and the financial elite, especially JP Morgan, Rockefeller and Rothschild.

In the front row, we stumbled, of course, with the ubiquitous "Colonel" Edward Mandell House, a great affection of J.P. Morgan and Rockefeller.

The first president of the CFR was Elihu Root, J.P. Morgan's personal lawyer, who inspired the original CFR. Root also was former secretary of war of President McKinley, former secretary of state under President Theodore Roosevelt and Nobel Peace Prize for his work on behalf of the League of Nations.23

Among other associates of J.P. Morgan, we found one of his main partners, Henry Pomeroy Davison (who represented Morgan in the infamous meeting on the Jekyll Island where the Fed bill was drafted), and Benjamin Strong, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.28

Also, in the founding of the CFR, there was a broad representation of Rockefellers' interests. For example, there it was Raymond Blaine Fosdick (one of the founders of the League of Nations, president of the Rockefeller Foundation and mentor of John D. Rockefeller Jr.). It was also Whitney Shepardson, director of the John D. Rockefeller General Board of Education, vice president of International Railways of Central America, the carrier arm of the United Fruit Company and director of the Carnegie Corporation.

Moreover, there were the former members of the "inquiry", the brothers John Foster and Allen Dulles. The first was the all-powerful Rockefeller family lawyer who will be the secretary of state under President Truman. The second was director of the Rockefeller bank-Schroeder Bank, who will become the founding director of the Central Intelligence Agency.30

They were, as well, the president of National City Bank, Frank A. Vanderlip, and Harold Pratt, director of Standard Oil Co., both Rockefeller's. 28

Three representatives of Rothschild's Khun-Lobe & Co. were also founders of the CFR: Paul D. Cravath, a lawyer for the firm, Otto H. Kahn and Paul M. Warburg. The latter participated in the meeting of the Jekyll Island as representative of the Rothschild, and was a member of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.28

With just these few names among the hundreds of participants at the opening of the CFR should not be any doubt of the influence of the international banking interests and their close relationship with the creation of the Federal Reserve.

The influence of the CFR as a "think tank" won't have great weight until, in 1927, its funding began coming from the Rockefeller Foundation, effectively becoming the ideological arm of the family. No wonder, the CFR established its headquarters in the Harold Pratt House in New York, a mansion bought by the Rockefeller family of one of the former presidents of the Standard Oil, the family monopoly, and one of the "founding fathers" of the Council. 31

Shortly after the outbreak of the Second World War in September 1939, the Council on Foreign Relations will offer its services to the State Department, which agreed in letting the CFR do researches and recommendations without formal assignment or responsibility.32

Consequently, the CFR created several working groups, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation through scholarships.32

In February 1941, the State Department created the Special Investigations Division, and quickly, it will be dominated by members of the Council of Foreign Exteriores.32

During 1942, the State Department created the Advisory Committee on Postwar Foreign Policy in order to design the post-war world map. This Committee consisted of several members of the Council on Foreign Relations as the Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Sub-secretary of State Sumner Welles, el Dr. Leo Pasvolsky, Hamilton Fish Armstrong, Isaiah Bowman, Benjamin V. Cohen, Norman H. Davis, and James T. Shotwell.32

Moreover, other members of the CFR will get positions in other divisions of the Department of State as Philip E. Mosely, Walter E. Sharp, Grayson Kirk, among others.

The highlight of the Council came at San Francisco in 1945 when more than 40 members of the United States delegation to the meeting to sign the Charter of the United Nations were CFR members. Among them, Alger Hiss, Secretary of State Edward R. Stettinius, Leo Pasvolsky, John Foster Dulles, John J. McCloy, Julius C. Holmes, Nelson A. Rockefeller, Adlai Stevenson, Joseph E. Johnson, Ralph J. Bunche, Clark M. Eichelberger, and Thomas K. Finletter.32

By 1945, the Council on Foreign Relations, various foundations and other organizations intertwined with the CFR had taken all the leading positions in the Department of State.32

Furthermore, if you review the CFR membership roster from its inception until today, you'll be surprised.

The CFR membership not only compiles by the most conspicuous group of the banking, corporate and academic elite of the nation, but the most important government officials and politicians.

Since the early 30's, the vast majority of the American presidents, vice presidents and secretaries of state have been CFR members. 33

Similarly, the most influential senators, congressmen and state governors, diplomats, officials, consultants, etc. (including most of the officers and directors of the Federal Reserve) are or have been CFR members. 34

All this demonstrates the close relationship between the CFR, the corporate banking and the Federal Reserve, and its immense ascendancy over the U.S. government.

Anyone would think it should be logical that the influence of banks and their organizations on the U.S. government should have a clear conservative right trend, mainly pro-capitalist and pro-American, especially Anti-Communist. But, paradoxically, it seems to be the opposite.

The letters at the beginning of this article and others contained in the files of FFBI show that critics and opponents of the Council on Foreign Relations accuse it of being the main center for communist infiltration and U.S. enemies

Many of the publications, activities and relationships of the CFR seem to support such accusations.

For example, in the editorial of the inaugural issue of Foreign Affairs -the main publication of the CFR- in September 1922, the new president of the Council, Elihu Root, wrote a panegyric against isolationism and praising the internationalism. Karl Radek, an ideologist for the new Bolshevik regime of Russia, got very excited with this editorial and gave it to his boss, Vladimir Ilich Lenin. The grateful Radek returned the journal to the Council with Lenin's marginal notes to Radek's. Interestingly enough, the Lenin/Radek annotations came to light in a Dulles's essay assessing European economic problems.35

In the early 40's, some members of the CFR, with great influence in the administration of Roosevelt and Truman, were identified as communists and even as Soviet spies. Among these were, for example, Alger Hiss and Lauchlin Currie and Owen Lattimore.32

This led to Senator Joseph McCarthy, among many other facts, to begin his campaign against Communist penetration of the State Department.

In 1950, McCarthy made serious allegations to the State Department, at that time dominated by members of the CFR, in saying:

"The State Department is infested with communists. I have here in my hand a list of 205—a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department."36

Since its founding, prominent representatives of communism and anti-Americanism have been feted at the headquarters of the CFR as guests of honor.

Remember the words of David Rockefeller, the undisputable leader of the Council on Foreign Relations, internationalism and the international banking elite:

"For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political
spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with
Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim
we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we
are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United
States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring
with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and
economic structure--one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand
guilty, and I am proud of it."37

This charges refers to the encounter taken place at the Harold Pratt House in New York, the CFR headquarters, in celebration of 50 anniversary of the UN in 1995.38

This time, instead of the highest international figures of democracy, were honored the representatives of terrorist movements and the most anti-American totalitarian governments, inter alia, Yasser Arafat, Jiang Zemin and Fidel Castro.38

Castro, especially, as we have seen, was awarded by Rockefeller with an invitation to his family home in Westchester County. Here, David introduced him to Manhattan's social elite, representatives of the jet-set, the intelligentsia and the U.S. financial and political power. However, this is not the first nor the last time Rockefeller honored the Cuban dictator.38

This is neither new nor accidental.

Fidel Castro has been, among the leftist leaders, the one who had have the longer and deeper relationship with the Council on Foreign Relations and, above all, its leader, David Rockefeller.38

This series of articles is mainly about, as we shall see, the role played by Fidel Castro from the very beginning of his political career in the global strategy designed by the Council on Foreign Relations and in defense of the specific interests the Rockefeller clan.


  1. In <>; cfr1c.pdf p. 38

  2. In <>; cfr1b.pdf p. 22

  3. In <>; cfr1b.pdf p. 26

  4. In <>; cfr1b.pdf p. 35

  5. In <>; cfr1b.pdf p. 48

  6. In <>; cfr1b.pdf p. 21




  10. Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy by Murray N. Rothbard in

  11. The GLOBALISTS: The Power Elite Behind the Rising New World Order by Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D en

  12. American Anti-Interventionist Tradition in




  16. Giuliani, at U.N. Opening Ceremony, Assails New Isolationist Mood in Congress en



  19. Federal Reserve Directors.A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence. en

  20. Ibidem p. 120




  24. The invisible Government by Dan Smoot p. 7,

  25. The United States, The League of Nations and World Peace by House, Edward M.Vital Speeches of the Day;11/4/35, Vol. 2 Issue 3, p88

  26.; p. 28



  29. The Invisible Man of the New World Order:Raymond B. Fosdick(1883-1972)By Will Banyan



  32. p 8

  33. and

  34. and


  36. Griffith, Robert (1970). The Politics of Fear: Joseph R. McCarthy and the Senate. University of Massachusetts Press. pp. 49. ISBN 0-87023-555-9. cited in

  37. Quotes from David Rockefeller's Memoirs (Random House, New York, 2002) Chapter 27, pages 404 and 405. Cited by Dr. Dennis Cuddy.


Friday, May 20, 2011


Last November 5, 2010, a conference was held at Jekyll Island, off the coast of Georgia, -sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and Rutgers University- to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the drafting of the U.S. Federal Reserve bill.

At the expensive buffet that followed such an austere celebration, cheerful toasts were made to those deserving representatives from the Rockefellers' and the Rothschilds', who had written so blatantly conspiratorial and illegal bill.1

Three years after that “historical” day, in 1913 (many claim that unconstitutionally during the Christmas recess of Congress), President Woodrow Wilson finally signed the Federal Reserve Act. 1

A few years later, President Wilson would regret having followed the advice of his personal counselor, "Colonel" Edward Mendel House.1

Wilson's had realized too late that the “internationalists" ideas of the "Colonel" coincided too much with the international bankers' interests; so much, that Wilson complained of having given the country to these. 1

The signature of the Fed Act had gave culmination to over a century of struggle among American politicians and representatives of international banking, led by the Rothschild clan, to establish a central bank in America in order to control its economy.2

Today, there are fingers pointing at the Federal Reserve as the instrument of an alleged international financial elite -led, among others, by the Rockefeller and Rothschild-in order to controll the U.S. economy, currency, banking industry and government ., and thus, impose its supremacy over the rest of the planet.

However, too much water has passed under the bridge.

Do the same interests still control the Fed?

This is a matter of high importance for democracy and the rule of law, the founding principles of this nation, and the life of all U.S. citizens and the world.

This is because the Federal Reserve is the guardian of the most powerful economy in the world and the regulator of all financial institutions in America and the largest ones in the world.

To find those who control the Fed, we must understand its functioning, which, though highly complex, can be summarized in a nutshell.

The Federal Reserve System consists of 12 district banks, all national banks and a segment of the state banks.
The Fed is the bank of banks, and the U.S. government's bank, the most openhanded consumer and the greatest debtor in the world.

The Treasury has a checking account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. All profits from federal taxes and other payments to the government are managed through this account.

The Fed sells and pays off government securities such as Treasury savings bonds and notes.

When the government is short of funds, the Treasury issues bonds and delivers them to bond dealers, which auction them off.

When the Fed wants to "expand the money supply" (create money), it steps in and buys bonds from these dealers with newly-issued dollars.

When Federal Reserve was created as a private trust, the government surrendered to the Fed its prerogative of printing money and distributing it to financial institutions, a government exclusive privilege.

The money printed by the Fed in order to buy government bonds increases the amount of currency. In this way, Fed’s activity is essentially inflationist: printing of new money lowers dollar’s value and, therefore, increases inflation.

The manipulation of dollar’s value by the Fed policies affects not only the American consumer. They also impact in exchange rates and economies all over the planet. This is because, as we know, the dollar is the universal currency and reserve.

But this is not the most worrisome.

The new money created by the Fed to buy government bonds is produced through an act of magic: they just type a few numbers on a computer screen into the Treasury bank account.5

The Federal Reserve's maneuvers to "create" money are called "open market operations" because the Fed buys the bonds issued by the Treasure at the brokers' "open market".3

The government debt bonds become the "reserves" that the international banking community uses to support its lending. Thus, all operations and bank interest of the world are closely intertwined with the policies of the Fed.

Because of how the Federal Reserve works, the value of money isn't based on precious metals value nor other collateral but only in the "credit" the U.S. government to pay its debts.

The bad news is that Moody's, Standard & Poor's, and Fitch announced last April 18, 2011, that due to the huge U.S. fiscal debt, the credit of the U.S. government may lose the next two years his triple A condition.

The announcement of the credit rating agencies was a bomb in the securities and exchange markets.
If the U.S. government is about to lose its credit, this means that government bonds and the dollar will lost their value as currency and bank reserves, a real catastrophe for the global financial world.

The worst thing is that the very fabric of profits for the banks is another sleight movement known as loans for "fractional reserve."

The "fractional reserve" lending consist in lending the same reserves many times over, further expanding the money supply,(i.e., not backed by any collateral). 5

The Federal Reserve "… has the power to determine… the size of foreign exchange reserves abroad… In a practical sense, the Federal Reserve System is the lender of last resort to the international banking system, and the determinant of the dollar value of world reserves."7

Federal Reserve also has the ability to regulate bank interest rates.

If interest rates are reduced, there will be more demand for loans and the economy will "warm up". If the rates are increased, there will be less borrowing and therefore the economy will "cool down".3

The world economy responds to the movements of the U.S. economy. Therefore, by regulating the amount of money in circulation and bank interest rates, the Fed controls the entire global economy.

Moreover, currently, through institutions such as the Automated Clearing House or ACH8, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication or SWIFT9 and others, the Fed monitors electronic banking around the world, which today is literally all.

In short, the Fed has more power and influence over the economy and the live of U.S. and world than any other government entity or not, whether American or foreign.

The Federal Reserve is, therefore, as we had said, the most powerful institution world.3

This means that whoever controls the Federal Reserve controls the planet.

But who actually dominate the Fed?

One of the great secrets of the Federal Reserve for nearly a century was its private ownership character, nongovernmental, quite the opposite of what its name suggests.

Eustace Mullins says that his research on the Federal Reserve was motivated by the suspicion suggested by Ezra Pound in 1949 that it was not a government organization but a private one.10 This happened 36 years after the creation of the Fed among educated and well informed people. So, what about the rest of the public?
Such secret began to be public only in the past five years, almost a century after the creation of the Fed, thanks to the free flow of information over the Internet.

However, the names of the real owners of the Federal Reserve remain one of the best kept mysteries of the planet.

One provision of the Federal Reserve Act prohibits revealing the identity of its shareholders.
There is great controversy about the real owners of the Fed.

Many critics of the Federal Reserve say that it is in the hands, not just off private, but foreign interests. And that these foreign interests use the Fed as an instrument of pressure on the U.S. government in the sense of their interests on world domination.

Those who drafted the Federal Reserve bill and lobbied in behalf of the Fed Act early last century left no room for doubts. But a century has passed; hence there is a need to check or rebuff this accusation.

Edward Flaherty, Ph.D. in Economics from the College of Charleston11, one of the most fervent defenders of the Federal Reserve, has devoted many efforts to discredit the accusations of the opposition to it.

Flaherty attacks are aimed particularly against Edward Griffin, author of "The Creature from Jekyll Island"12, Eustace Mullins, who wrote "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve"13, and Gary H Kah, author of "On the Road to Global Occupation."14

Flaherty flatly denies their accusations that the Federal Reserve Act was passed in an illegal and unconstitutional way and that the principal shareholders of the Fed (the main owners) are foreigners.15

According to critics of the Federal Reserve, by the way the system was designed by its founder, who controls the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, controls the entire system.16

Each of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks is organized into a corporation whose shares are sold to commercial banks and thrifts operating in the Bank district.

Shareholders elect six of the nine directors of the regional board of Federal Reserve Bank and its presidents.
Mullins says that the first eight shareholders of the Federal Reserve of New York were, in order from highest to lowest since 1983, the Citibank, Chase Manhattan, Morgan Guaranty Trust, Chemical Bank, Hanover Manufacturers Trust, Bankers Trust Company, National Bank North America, and the Bank of New York.17

According to Mullins, overall, these banks control 63% of the outstanding shares of the New York Fed.
Many of these banks, says Mullins, are owned by a dozen European banks, mostly British, in particular, of the Rothschild banking dynasty. Through their American agents, they are able to select the board of the New York Fed and direct U.S. monetary policy.17

Flaherty contends that the source of Mullins’ information (the Federal Reserve Bulletin, according to this) over the shareholders of the New York Federal Reserve cannot be verified, as this or any other periodical of the Federal Reserve has never included any information on the shareholders. 15

Moreover, Flaherty is right to say that the investigation of the shareholders of the Fed is very difficult because the Federal Reserve banks are not publicly traded corporations and, therefore, the Securities and Exchange Commission cannot require the publication of a list of its main shareholders.15

Apart from the conjecture on foreign ownership, Flaherty criticizes the Mullins' argument that New York banks that hold a majority of the shares of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York can choose its board and its chairman. In this way, these banks, and thus, the London connection, according to Mullins, have the control over the operations of the Fed and U.S. monetary policy 15

Flaherty objects this statement arguing that each commercial bank receives only one vote, regardless of its size, unlike most corporate voting structures in which the number of votes is tied to the number of shares that a person has.15

If the Federal Reserve district of New York contains more than 1,000 member banks, Flaherty argues that it is highly unlikely that the largest and most powerful banks could force many of the smaller ones to vote in a particular way.15

Controlling the votes of a majority of member banks, as properly thinks Flaherty, would mean acquiring a majority stake in about 500 member banks of the District of New York.15

To gain control over the Federal Reserve, Flaherty estimated that is required an outlay of hundreds of billions of dollars, which encourages Flaherty to think that, surely, there is a cheaper way for the global domination.15

Many critics of the Federal Reserve believe that yes, that the Anglo-American and global banking elite (with the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds at their top) has enough money to make such an investment and more.
If you study history, you may discover that this, undoubtedly, despite its enormous cost, would be the cheapest way to world domination.

But Flaherty is right about the difficulties to know the main shareholders of the Federal Reserve.

However, the knowledge of the main shareholders of the Federal Reserve can be discovered indirectly just looking for who really controls it.

In that sense, there is an interesting report of the Congressional Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing of 1976. Among its members, we found the then newly elected Congressman Ron Paul, one of the main enemies of the Fed and the Tea Party inspirator 19

The study is entitled "Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking influence".20

The president of this congressional committee, the Democrat Rep. Henry Reuss of Wisconsin, writes in the foreword that this is a staff study of the corporate, banking and trade association relationships of the directors of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks. .21

The reason for such a study, admits Reuss, lies in the Committee concern for many years about the influence of private interests over the essentially public responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System. 21

"The study, says Reuss, raise substantial questions about the supposed 'independence' of the Fed, which is completely subordinate to the big banks and big business, if one takes into account the strong interconnections revealed by this study." 21

The dependent nature of the district boards, continues Reuss, affects the public interest across a broad spectrum, from monetary policy to banking regulation.21

The tables in the report clearly show that significant segments of corporate power and banking have broad channels of communication and influence with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, undoubtedly the most important of the district banks, with important roles in politics monetary and international operations around the Federal Reserve System.22

The report says that: "At the national level, some of the activities of the Federal Reserve directors are masked behind their corporate shields, and it is often difficult to distinguish the lobbying generated by the Federal Reserve banks from that of the corporate-banking lobby." 22

Logic is that, given the weight and power of the Federal Reserve System on the government, the nation and the world at large, it should be subject to regular audits from various government agencies.

Despite the weight of its operation over the government and the economy, as a non government entity, the Fed's decisions do not require the approval of the president or any other government power.3

In the letter of the law, the Federal Reserve must be supervised by the Congress.3 However, in its nearly 100 years, has never been audited or monitored by anyone.

Successive presidents and administrations of the Federal Reserve have acted with impunity without supervision or control, been completely unknown their internal and external activities.

The current Federal Reserve chairman, Ben Bernanke, on numerous occasions before Congress, has refused to answer key questions on domestic activity and the fate of Federal Reserve loans.23

But worst is the influence that the leadership of the Federal Reserve has over the legislative body of the nation and its flat refusal to the transparency of its operations and connections.

In this regard the congressional committee’s report tells us that "The battle of last year (1975) on proposals to require regular audits of the activities of the Federal Reserve by the General Accounting Office is a good example of the weight of influence Directors of the Federal Reserve on legislative matters ".22

Throughout 1975, directors of Federal Reserve district banks flooded the Congress with letters urging the defeat of the audit legislation from General Accounting Office. 22

For its part, the leadership of the Federal Reserve had mobilized all bank managers and private corporations throughout the length and breadth of the country urging them to lead lobbyists’ campaigns against the audit.24

One of the lobbying group that includes the biggest of the big corporations in this country, where the directors of the Federal Reserve maintained a strong membership, is the Business Roundtable.24

Among its 164 corporate members were the big three of the auto industry, the three largest banks in the country, seven of the largest oil companies and the granddaddy of big utilities—AT&T.24

In 1973, the Business Roundtable-at the request of Dr. Burns-wired its members and asked them to help repel the bill. When lobbying pressure mounted against the new audit proposal in 1975, a study was conducted by Wright Patman (the former chairman of the CBCH) which revealed the close relationship between the private lobbying organization and our supposedly "public" Federal Reserve System.25

Another organization of big business, the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, has strong connections with the Federal Reserve.

The House, which often lobbies on legislative issues of banking and the Federal Reserve, has a policy committee on banking, monetary and fiscal policies. Thirty-one of its members are officers or directors of banks and eight have connections with directors Federal Reserve System.25

While the law limits banks' direct participation in the councils of the district banks, they actually infiltrate all levels of the system.

Through the district boards and the combined branches, one in five jobs for not bankers and public members end up in bankers' hands. 25

The resignations of the board of directors of commercial banks to legitimize the Federal Reserve designations are generally understood as temporary.

In general, commercial banks hold the positions supposedly "liberated" by their "ex-officials" who go on to work at the Fed so that they can occupy them again as soon as they complete their "public" service. In this regard, the Congress Committee report gives lots of examples.26

The excessive input by special interests would be a serious problem in any public agency, but the situation becomes more serious since the Federal Reserve banks assume greater regulatory powers.27

While Corporate America has wide representation—through director interlocks—with all twelve banks in the Federal Reserve System, analysis of each district bank and cross-checking one district bank with the others reveals not only the narrow pool of talent but the "club" nature of the system.28

This "club” approach leads the Federal Reserve to consistently dip into the same pools—the same companies, the same universities, the same bank holding companies—to fill directorships.28

The report of the Congressional CBCH ends with the bitter acknowledgement that "the Federal Reserve system is dominated by a very small universe of private institutions" and that ... " the directors of the Federal Reserve are clearly representative of a small elite group which dominates much of the economic life of this nation.”28

Anyway, the 1976 congressional report does not explicitly say who the main shareholders of the Federal Reserve are; however, by simple association, it is easy to discover.

The Federal Reserve Act provides that the shareholders are those who choose six of the nine directors of the board and the chairman of each of its 12 district banks.3

The congressional report reveals that the majority of the directors of the three classes of the Fed district banks are representatives of the largest private banking and financial corporations in the nation, who, in their functions, prioritize these interests instead the public interest.

This indirectly tells us that the main shareholders, the owners of the Federal Reserve, are none other than the dome of the "club" of Corporate America to which the report relates.

However, it remains to verify or disprove the thesis, denied by Flaherty, that the Federal Reserve is dominated by foreign interests.

Although today as yesterday, the Fed tries to evade transparency, I don't think it's very difficult to follow the clues leading to the Fed's foreign connection.

The Congressional report acknowledges that the bank District of New York Federal Reserve is the most important and influential of the system.24

Recall that Mullins said that who controls the Fed bank in New York, dominates the system, thesis refused by Flaherty.

Reading the charts of the 1976 report, among the Class A directors of Fed bank in New York, we found the name of our old friend David Rockefeller.30

The presence of David Rockefeller in such position of power does transcend the problem of corporate influence to international levels.

David Rockefeller inherited the fortune and influence of his father, John D. Rockefeller Junior, being the head of the clan to the death of all his older brothers.

Realizing the intense financial and politic activity of David Rockefeller at international levels we can't discard the suspicion that the same spirit that prevailed in 1910 at Jekyll Island lives on in its heirs.

David Rockefeller is the most prominent follower of the "internationalist" ideas that his father had learned from the "Colonel" Edward Mendel House.35

While serving as director class Fed Bank of New York, David not only was in charge of major corporations and national and international banking organizations. Among these was the Chase Manhattan Bank, across the street from the Fed Bank of New York, and various private and corporate organizations as the Chase International Advisory Committee (IAC) and the New York Clearing House, among others. This surely invalidated him by law to be Class A director of the Federal Reserve. 31

Simultaneously, David was head of the most important institutions of the political, aristocratic, banking, corporate, cultural and academic world elite as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderberg Club, Trilateral Commission, among others.

David himself has repeatedly expressed its global vocation by saying:

"... The world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world
government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world
bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in
past centuries."32

"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working
against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me
as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a
more integrated global political and economic structure -- one world, if you
will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."33

Many point their fingers at David Rockefeller as the undisputed leader, with the support from the House of Rothschild, of the Anglo-American and international banking in general. In future articles we will see the facts that lead some to this conclusion.

If such is the case, there is no better position to influence over American and world finances and politics but to be director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

And this brings us back to the long and intimate relationship between David Rockefeller and Fidel Castro.

It seems that, as we shall see in subsequent articles, Fidel Castro is a key player in the international political chess carried out for the tremendous work of David Rockefeller in his capacity of leader of the "internationalist" financial elite.

1.- View previous article on this blog on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 entitled THE CUBAN CONSPIRACY (SIX) R+R=RF (ROCKEFELLER + ROTHSCHILD = FEDERAL RESERVE).
2.- View previous article on this blog on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 entitled THE CUBAN CONSPIRACY (FIVE) THE ROTHSCHILD AND THE CENTRAL BANC OF AMERICA.
3.-Federal Reserve Tutorial
4-- y
5.-Who Owns The Federal Reserve? by Ellen Brown
7.-Mundell, Robert A., International Monetary Options, Cato Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, Spring 1983, p.191. Citado en

to_move_beyond_data_privacy_to_security_and_public_safety/BE_SWIFT_ExecutiveSummary_061109.pdf 10.- P. 6.
17.- p. 179
18.-, p. 47-48
21. Ibídem, p. III
22.- Ibídem, p 56
23.- y
24. FEDERAL RESERVE DIRECTORS:, Ibídem, p. 56-57
27.- FEDERAL RESERVE DIRECTORS, Ibídem. p. 59-60
29.- Eustace Mullins “Secrets Of The Federal Reserve”, p. 40
32.- David Rockefeller (1991 Speech to the Trilateral Commission).
33.- David Rockefeller, Memoirs, Random House, 2002, p. 405
35. .- View previous article on this blog on Tuesday, November 2, 2010entitled THE CUBAN CONSPIRACY (THREE) THE ROCKEFELLERS

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


100 years ago, some journalists witnessed certain event, but, unable to imagine its implications, they couldn't even think in reporting it.

On the night of November 22, 1910, at the Hoboken train station in New Jersey, a group of political and financial personalities boarded a train with costumes that gave them the innocent appearance of a hunting party.

The car occupied by the conspicuous troupe was sealed and the windows veiled. To enhance the mystery, its members had been instructed to not address each other by their surnames. The destination of the convoy was so secret that some passengers ignored it.

The train took the “hunting party" a thousand miles south, to the coast of Georgia from where it was transported undercover to an island with the significant name of Jekyll. Here, the "hunters" were accommodated in the exclusive country club, where they were confined for more than a week without any communication with the outside.

Leading the group was Senator Nelson Aldrich of Rhode Island. Among his companions, there were prominent figures from the Treasury Department, the National City Bank and First National Bank of New York, the J. P. Morgan Company, and a Kuhn, Loeb & Co. associate. [1]

In summary, in Jekyll Island met senior representatives of the U.S. government, from JP Morgan, from Rockefellers and from the Rothschilds in complete secrecy.
But why such important figures of politics and finance acted in such a way?

First, the object of "hunting party" was to give culmination to the creation of a central bank of America, dispute that had been developing throughout U.S. history.

In the previous article* we saw how, on several occasions, the international banking, leaded by the house of Rothschild, had tried to implement its power over the economy and the U.S. government through successive central banks.

Several founding fathers and political figures repeatedly opposed the creation of an American central bank because of its dangers of corruption, speculation and foreign domination. So, they managed to bury the project in 1836, when the charter of the Second Bank of America was repealed.*

The conspirators of Jekyll Island were preparing to evoke the specter of the U.S. central bank behind the back of voters, political parties and U.S. government institutions.

The purpose of the conspicuous "hunting party" was drafting the bill for the creation of the ultimate and definitive U.S. private central bank, which would emerge under the misleading name of the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Second, the conspirators of Jekyll Island were violating the U.S. Constitution and laws.

Senator Aldrich, according to the U.S. legislative process, must submit the bill to the Congress Legislative Service Bureau in order to draft it properly. [2]

However, he worked secretly with representatives of international private banking, which drafted the bill according to their interests instead of those of the American electorate.

By the way, there is a consensus among historians to consider the panic of 1907 as the main justification for the creation of the Federal Reserve seven years later.

It is known that the great financial powers have always taken advantage from economic crisis and from banking and stockmarket panics.

Tycoons like John D. Rockefeller and JP Morgan have used -if not caused, or, at least, helped- financial crises and panics to expand their empires.

The crisis of 1883 was partly caused and was greatly exploited by the Rockefellers to literally monopolize the oil industry.***

The crisis of 1893 was used by J.P. Morgan to expand its almost complete monopoly on the metallurgical, railway, electricity and telephone industries, among others. But above all, the crisis served to establish his dominion over U.S. banking. ***

Such was the power achieved by J.P. Morgan, that President Cleveland had to ask for his help to fill the exhausted coffers the U.S. government. To this end, between 1893 and 1896, backed by the power of the Rothschild, Morgan made flow million dollars in gold and then supported the issuance of millions in government bonds, acting in effect as the nation's central bank. [3]

The crisis of 1907 was caused by the precipitous drop in the stock market due to the unbridled speculation in real estate after the earthquake in San Francisco and the attempt to "corner the market"***** of the United Cooper Company. This caused many investors rushed to banks to take out their money and put it safe.

Amid the climate of market turmoil, J.P. Morgan precipitated the panic by spreading rumors about the insolvency of the Knickerbocker Trust Company, one of the largest U.S. banks. This mistrust extended to the rest of the banking system. [4]

However, such was the ascendancy achieved by Morgan on the U.S. economy that both the remaining private banks as the Secretary of the Treasury accepted without question their opinion of not supporting Knickerbocker and waited for his decisions to take actions in order to control the panic. [5]

Indeed, the financial collapse of 1907 was the reason of bringing back to the national table the question of the need for a central bank to support the lack of liquidity of banks in times of panic, etc.

The large banking interests used the press and certain politicians to harp on the issue. [6]

Because of the manipulation of public opinion, many of the former opponents to the creation of a central bank in North America fell into the trap of believing that this would be a defense against new financial panics and against the possibility that the strongest banks, like Morgan’s and the international bankers, obtain too much influence over the national economy.

In 1908, Congress passed the Aldrich-Vreeland Act, which created the National Monetary Commission to investigate the causes of the crisis of 1907 and find ways to avoid such situations. [7]

The promoter of this law was nothing less than the very Senator Nelson W. Aldrich of Rhode Island.

Aldrich was the Republican Senate leader and one of the most influential politicians in the U.S., becoming known by the nickname "general manager of the United States."

Aldrich himself was appointed as head of the National Monetary Commission, which was like putting the wolf in sheep grazing.

Aldrich not only was considered the "true voice" of JP Morgan, but he also was the father in law of John D. Junior Rockefeller, who, at the time, had been appointed by his father to succeed him at the head of the clan and Rockefellers' businesses. ***

As head of the National Monetary Commission, Aldrich got the carte blanche to deal directly with national and global banking elite (something forbidden for a member of the U.S. Senate) and travel to various countries to "study" the functioning of the national central banks Europe.

In 1909, in preparation of the master plan for the creation of the Federal Reserve, Aldrich introduced a constitutional amendment for the creation of income tax, which would further the payment of interest of the government debt with the planned central bank.

After two years of underground work, given the traditional refusal of Americans to the creation of a central bank, Aldrich was able to create the conditions for holding the secret meeting at the country club on Jekyll Island in November, 1910. [8]

With the Federal Reserve bill in hand as a political project, Aldrich, as chairman of the National Monetary Commission, visited the main financial centers of America and Europe seeking alliances and support. [9]

When he thought it was the right moment, in 1912, Aldrich presented the bill to U.S. Congress. Still, in both houses, the bill was attacked for giving too little or any involvement and control to the government and the public on the proposed central bank, and too much power to the bankers.

The former Treasury Secretary, Leslie M. Shawn, referring to the Federal Reserve Bill, said "... such an institution, whatever its name, put the business of the United States absolutely and irretrievably in the hands of Wall Street." [10]

Amid this struggle, the 1912 elections brought to Democrat Woodrow Wilson to the White House and gave the majority to the Democrats, which mostly opposed to the project of the Federal Reserve in both houses of Congress.

One might think that the arrival of Wilson to the White House would put the bankers very anxious. But, John D. Rockefeller junior and J.P. Morgan had a strong card up his sleeve.

On the one hand, they gave the Aldrich bill some makeup under the disguise of the Glass bill, which seemed to oppose the "money trust" of Wall Street to trick the Democrats.[8]

On the other hand, they asked for help to the personal adviser of President Wilson, the mysterious "Colonel" Edward Mandell House.

They had access to House through his most ardent disciple, Raymond B. Fosdick, who was a trustee of John D Rockefeller Junior and then, given his outstanding work in the government of Woodrow Wilson in favor of the interests of his bosses, he was rewarded as president of the Rockefeller Foundation. [11]

"Colonel" Edward House, who had never been in the military nor had been a colonel, was the great visionary of a "new world order" more "fair", almost communist, Fabian socialism inspired , where the wealth would be better distributed and the U.S. could play the role of world leader.

House conveyed similar "internationalists" ideas to his disciples Woodrow Wilson, Raymond Fosdick, and, through this, to John D. Rockefeller Jr., among others, ideas that later materialize with the creation of the Council on Foreign Relations or CFR in 1921 by John D. Rockefeller Junior and "Colonel" Edward House himself, among others.

Wilson came to revere so much the "Colonel" House's "lessons" that, when he was elected president, he made House his so personal and intimate adviser that he took him to live with him to the White House. [12]

Thus, through the "Colonel" House, John D. Rockefeller Junior and J.P. Morgan, representing the Rothschilds, persuaded Woodrow Wilson -the Democrat, the antitrust and the enemy of Wall Street- to sign in 1913 the laws of the Federal Reserve and the personal income tax in times of recess of Congress.[11]

Three years after signing the Federal Reserve Act, President Woodrow Wilson, evidently repented, wrote:

"The growth of the nation ... and all our activities are in the hands of a few
men ... We have come to be one of the worst ruled; one of the most completely
controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world ... no longer a
government of free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the free
vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small
group of dominant men."[13]

And he was right.

The Federal Reserve, despite its confusing name, was never a government agency. Quite the contrary.

The private nature of the Federal Reserve was kept secret until very recently, in the last five years, thanks to the free flow of information over the Internet.

So far, most Americans thought it was an exclusively governmental institution.

Many have rightly criticized the secrecy and impenetrability of the Federal Reserve, either to the press as to any of the branches of government, whether legislative, executive or judicial. [14]

During its nearly 97 years of existence, even though it is the source of funds to the government and of printing money for national and global circulation, the Federal Reserve has never been audited, although no one knows where their funds come from nor how or to whom are distributed. [15]

It is not until 2009 that it was introduced the bill on the transparency of the Federal Reserve [16] but the bill failed even though the massive mortgage fraud -involving members of the Federal Reserve Cartel- has brought the world into the deepest economic crisis since 1929..

Ben Bernanke, current Federal Reserve chairman, has refused to disclose to the Financial Services Committee of Congress the names of the banks that made loans nor the collateral used. [17]

The Federal Reserve and its great banking cartel seem to be outside and above the laws and government control.

The Federal Reserve is a private monopoly of the international banking elite. From its inception, it has had the control of the finances and economy of the U.S. and the world, and the U.S. government budget, as well. In addition, it has the unique privilege for an unofficial entity of print the money from the nation which, in turn, is the universal exchange currency. [18]

Each new government spending requires a loan from the Federal Reserve with interest thereon for the international banking elite, with the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds to the head, paid for with money raised by the government through the income tax from each resident in the U.S. territory.

Each new loan from the Federal Reserve to the government becomes in new printed money which enters into circulation, lowering the nominal value of the currency, and therefore a further increasing the inflation.

Moreover, each international bank transaction must pass through the U.S. Federal Reserve. In this way, its banking cartel dominates completely the world's financial and commercial movement. [19]

In short, the Fed has become in the financial base of the world domination by the international banking elite, whose headquarters are not located in New York or Washington, but in the City of London, the center of world's operations of the house of the Rothschilds.****

Finally, as we saw in the previous article, after a century of efforts to dominate the economy and the U.S. government through a central bank, as they had done with the European powers, the Rothschild met their goals with the creation of the Federal Reserve.***

If in the nineteenth century, the Rothschilds got their power through its global financial ascendancy over the British Crown through their control of the Bank of England, in the twentieth century, they have maintained and expanded this power through their influence on the U.S. government through Federal Reserve.

For his part, The Rockefellers have shared this power nationally and internationally through its alliance with the House of Rothschild, primarily through its main agent in the U.S., JP Morgan. So much so that the monopoly bank, JP Morgan Chase, will pass to the Rockefeller soon after Morgan's death, replacing this as the main agent of the Rothschilds in America.

On November 5, 2010, at the Jekyll Island, it was held a conference sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and Rutgers University to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the drafting of the Federal Reserve bill. [20]

These gentlemen weren't celebrating a milestone in the annals of the development of the U.S., its democracy and the rule of law, that is, the more progressive spirit of America.

Such a celebration praised the success of a conspiracy that gave power to the Rothschild and Rockefeller on the economy, politics, American and world culture.

And one of the heirs of that power, David, the son of John D. Rockefeller Junior, is precisely the main sponsor and intimate friend of Fidel Castro.

As will be discussed in the rest of this series, the true ideals of Fidel Castro are not nationalism or communism as he has assured all his life.

Fidel Castro has worked at a young age as the most loyal agent of those same interests that conspired Jekyll Island against American democratic paradigm and continue today attempting to establish the New World Order of international banking.

PICTURE: Jewkyll Island’s Country Club House, Georgia.




***** Cornering the Market: In finance, to corner the market is to purchase enough of a particular stock, commodity, or other asset to allow the price to be manipulated…
[1] Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins P 11 ttp://
[9] Balance of Power. The Political Fight for an Independent Central Bank.pdf
[10] The Federal Reserve Act - Its Origin and Problems, by J. Lauwrence Laughlin, New York, 1933 cited in Balance of Power.The Political Fight for an Independent Central Bank.pdf
[11] John D. Rockefeller Jr. and the Legacy of Woodrow Wilson
[13] Woodrow Wilson: The New Freedom
[18]Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins
[19]Federal Reserve Tutorial

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


In the previous article**, we talked about the Rothschilds’ strategy of domination, which was based on the control of the central bank of a nation in order to dominate its economy and government. This was what they did in England, France, Germany and Austria, allowing them to expand their power over the rest of Europe and the world.
Not surprisingly, the United States did not escape the world domination plans of the Rothschilds, quite the opposite. But here was where they found the greatest resistance because of the refusal of Americans to bow to a central bank.
Lots of Conspiranoids perceived the hand of the Rothschild behind all attempts to create a central bank in North America since the very beginning of the U.S. Constitution. Actually, this was not exactly true.

During and after the American Revolution, the so-called "founding fathers" showed opposed attitudes concerning the idea of forming a central bank.

England had tried to put the 13 North American colonies under the control of the Bank of England long before the Rothschilds set up their control over it. [1] Some founding fathers saw this as the "high" of English oppression, which -among other things, like the tax on Cuban molasses imports - led to the revolutionary war.[2]

However, other founding fathers favored the creation of a central bank and succeeded. In 1781, Congress issued an ordinance to incorporate the Bank of America as a national private bank to follow in the footsteps of the Bank of England. [3]

The functions of the Bank of North America, the first U.S. central bank, were dashed due to objections about "alarming foreign influence and favoritism, fraud claims and unfair competition from state banks. So, in 1785, the Pennsylvania legislature repealed its charter [4].

Six years later, in 1791, Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, agreed to support the transfer of the capital from New York to the banks of the Potomac in exchange for support for central bank project. As a result, that year, the First Bank of the United States was authorized by Congress.

Many accuse Hamilton of being an agent of the Rothschilds. However, these didn't have anything to do with the creation of the first two American central banks because they simply had no power to do so.

In 1791 Nathan Rothschild, with just 21, had just get established in England and his father, Mayer Amschel, had not yet reached the necessary influence over the Elector William of Hesse. [5]

However, as soon as the Rothschild extended their control over the major central banks in Europe and, especially, the Bank of England, they didn't rest until doing the same with America.

However, since its inception, the First Bank of the United States had become a center of currency speculation and monetary instability. Thomas Jefferson saw it as an engine for speculation, financial manipulation and corruption. [4] So the U.S. Congress in 1811 refused to renew the letter of the First Bank of the United States. [6]

Nathan Mayer Rothschild lost millions because of the refusal of the Congress to renew the charter of the U.S. central bank. Nathan, after 20 years of banking and stock manipulations in London, backed by the might of his family, had become the most powerful financial tycoon in Britain and he was in total position of strength [7]

While the Congress was deliberating the renewal of the charter of First Bank of America, Nathan issued his first threat of "Either the application for renewal of the Charter is granted, or the United States will be involved in the most disastrous war."

However, in Washington, Congress stood firm and the Charter was not renewed.
Nathan then ordered the British parliament to "Teach those impudent Americans a lesson: Bring them back to the colonial situation."

The British Prime Minister, Spencer Perceval, opposed to the demands of Nathan Rothschild, and coincidentally, on 11 May 1812, he made history as the only British prime minister to be assassinated in office. [8]

A month later, without having yet completed the mourning for his former Prime Minister, His Majesty's Government declared war on the U.S., despite being involved in the costly Napoleonic conflagration and in a profound economic and social crisis. [9]

It is true that among the reasons for the war of 1812 between the U.S. and England, were the British naval blockade to France, border disputes with Canada, etc. [10] However, in the end, the interests of the Rothschild had a major weight in the events.

And ultimately, Nathan Mayer Rothschild became the big winner of the conflict.

The war between the U.S. and Great Britain in 1814 ended in a sort of tie. However, U.S. had suffered great losses and the government debt soared along with inflation.

In the other hand, the Napoleonic wars had devastated the European agriculture and the American traders were eager to fill the huge gap in demand for food in the old continent.

For all the above, the same politicians that in the Congress and the White House had repealed the charter of the U.S. central bank, in 1816, were quick to sign the one that stated the establishment of the Second Bank of America . This, of course, fell back into the hands of the Rothschild, emerging now even more powerful after the Napoleonic era as the dominant force behind the major European central banks and, therefore, of their respective governments. **

Only a fifth of the capital of the Second Bank of North America belonged to the federal government. The rest came mostly from foreign investors. Among them was David Parish, the Rothschild agent in New York. Also, it appears that the Second Bank president, Nicholas Biddle, managed the bank according to these European interests (especially those of Rothschild) before the ones of Americans. [11]

Finally, excessive speculation, corruption and economic pressures on U.S. government agencies prompted President Andrew Jackson to withdraw the renewal of the charter of the Second Bank of America in 1836. [7]

Already in 1832, President Jackson ordered the Secretary of the Treasury to withdraw all deposits from the subsidiary banks of the Second Bank of America in order to deposit them in state banks. And, in 1835, he managed to pay all federal debt for the first and only time in history, which made the U.S. government independent from the control of the Anglo-American bankers. Maybe this caused him to be the first American president in suffering an assassination attempt in 1835. [12]

The suppression of the charter of the Second Bank of America in 1836 launched the so-called era of "free banking", during which prevailed banks authorized by the state with the power to issue money.

The Michigan Act of 1837 allowed the automatic authorization of banks that met the requirements without special permits from the state legislatures. This caused the proliferation of banks and what was called the "wildcat banking", accompanied by corruption, risky operations, anarchic money emissions, etc. [13]

Despite all the efforts of foreign bank branches and Americans (mostly Rothschilds’), in 1841, President John Tyler, against hundreds of death threats, vetoed the act to renew the charter of the Bank of America. This sealed the fate of the U.S. central bank project for the remaining of the nineteenth century. [14]

Despite they were in a vulnerable position without a national bank that ensure their interests, foreign investors saw an opportunity in state banks and sent its agents in order to create their own banks.

August Belmont, the principal agent of the Rothschilds in the U.S., established a large bank in New York and a number of other state banks in the south. The Rothschilds and other European investors made loans to state banks with very high interests and they had the controll over the lending decisions. [11]

Many state banks sought financing through the issuance of bonds, which in the end, were rejected by the difficulty of many banks, especially Southerners, to reimburse of the cost.

The Rothschilds and other foreign financial groups bought the repudiated bonds from the southern states and pressured the federal government to force these states to pay the claims in dispute. They also forced the federal government to assume the debts of state banks of the South as federal obligations. This heated the issue of "states' rights" against the "strong central authority", becoming, among many other burning issues, in the epicenter of the national crisis that led to the Civil War. [11]

Between February and March 1862 and March 1863, in order to pay the soaring cost of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln received congressional approval to raise a public loan of $ 450 million through the sale of the so-called greenbacks.
The greenback could not be redeemed until 1865, when three could be exchanged for one of silver. Still, they survived its original purpose and became full legal tender in 1879.

With the creation of "greenbacks", Lincoln solved the U.S. monetary crisis without the help of the International Bankers. In this way he earned the most dangerous enemies. [11]

The Times of London -reflecting the feelings in the City, the headquarters for Rothschild- said then about Lincoln's "greenbacks" "If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become endurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe." [11]

Years later, Bismarck, German Chancellor, said about Lincoln:
"He obtained from Congress the right to borrow from the people by selling to it the 'bonds' of States ... and the Government and the nation escaped the plots of the foreign financiers. They understood at once, that the United States would escape their grip. The death of Lincoln was resolved upon."[15]

After the (for many inevitable) Lincoln's assassination, Congress passed the Financing Act of April 12, 1866, in an attempt to remove the "greenbacks". This opened up the option to authorize national banks although it also greatly reduced the liquidity of the nation.

As an additional incentive for banks to submit to federal oversight, in 1865, Congress had begun to tax the notes of state banks (also called "letters of credit" or "vouchers") to a standard rate of 10 %, which encouraged many state banks to become national.

However, state banks responded to the widespread adoption of deposit accounts or checks that were the main source of income for many banks. This "dual banking system" of state and national banks led to a kind of anarchy amidst the thriving banking industry growth that led to the proliferation of commercial banks from the 1860's. [16]

In the midst of this activity, JP Morgan came to New York in 1857 and founded a branch of the London based bank of his father, Junus Morgan, an old agent of the Rothschild.***

With a ferocity and a insurmountable financial and business talent, and supported by the economic power of the Rothschild, Morgan -enemy of competition like Rockefeller- embarked on the conquest of America.

J.P. Morgan took advantage of financial crises and panics -when he don't created them-, whether sectorial or national, to take over whole branches of the economy in bankruptcy and eliminate competition. Thus, Morgan literally came to dominate banking, railways, metallurgy and the emerging electric industry, among others.

It is no coincidence that the three major economic crisis of 1873, 1893 and 1907 were linked with the speculations on railroads (from which Morgan went on to become almost the absolute Tsar) and the Morgan company was precisely the one which came to save U.S. economy, investing heavily in government bonds and bringing large quantities of gold from Europe to the U.S. [17]

Thanks to massive financial support from the Rothschilds'***, Morgan got almost the complete ascendancy over the U.S. banking and economy, acting as a central bank between 1893 and 1907.[15] This led to Lord Rothschild to send his warmest expression of "admiration and respect" to Morgan, his most valuable representative in America. [18]

However, Morgan realized that, despite the tremendous support of the Rothschild, he could never undertake the total financial dominance over the United States without the alliance with its fiercest competitor, the richest man in America, John D. Rockefeller.

For their part, especially after the breakup of their oil monopoly of the Standard Oil ***, the Rockefeller acknowledged that they could not control the economy and the U.S. government if not allied to the greatest financial power in the world, the House of Rothschild.

The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds and JP Morgan knew that financial panics and crises were the breeding ground for manipulating the economy as a whole in behalf their interests thanks to their fabulous liquidity.

After more than a century of political and economic struggles around the creation of an American Central bank, mainly controlled by the Rothschilds, the crisis of 1893 and 1907 gave to Morgan and Rockefeller the opportunity to justify the need of a central banking that would give them control over the economy and the U.S. government.
However, given the widespread rejection in North America to central banks and the foreing banking domination, they had to mask it under the disguise of the U.S. Federal Reserve.

The alliance with J.P. Morgan and Rothschild, as discussed in the following articles, will give access to the Rockefeller to the dome of global financial power. This will allow John D. Junior and their descendants to have a decisive influence on the economy and politics of both the United States and the whole world.

The influence of John D. Junior on world affairs will be inherited by his son David, the current head of the Rockefeller family.

Finally, we will see that the long relationship between David Rockefeller and Fidel Castro is deeply connected to the global financial and political leadership of the Rockefeller clan in alliance with the Rothschild.

* In the previous article, because of errors of the sources, I said wrongly that Meyer Amschel Rothschild had made his fortune juggling with the salaries of Hessian mercenaries hired by William I of Hesse to the British for their colonial wars and that this could have helped the victory Washington. This is completely wrong, honoring the American General. Actually, the Hessian troops cheated by Rothschild, were the ones used by the Britons in the Napoleonic wars. Excuse me my readers for the inaccuracies. The truth is that the Rothschilds began to have economic and political influence in the Napoleonic era. (See The Rise of the House ot the Rothschild by Count Egon Caesar Corti, Viena, 1927 p. 27
** See THE CUBAN CONSPIRACY (FOUR) THE ROTHSCHILD, Wednesday, December 1, 2010
[1] The Currency Act.
[2] The Revenue Act of 1764,
[3] The Bank Of North America.
[4] History of central banking in the United States.
[5] The Rise of the House ot the Rothschild by Count Egon Caesar Corti, Viena, 1927 p. 27
[6]America's Forgotten War Against The Central Banks by Mike Hewitt,
[7] President Andrew Jackson
[8] Spencer Perceval
[10] United States Declares War on Great Britain
[12] Trying to Assassinate President Jackson ttp://
[15] FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order p 69
[18] Bruner, Robert F.; Carr, Sean D. (2007), The Panic of 1907: Lessons Learned from the Market's Perfect Storm, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 9780470152638 citado en