In the previous article**, we talked about the Rothschilds’ strategy of domination, which was based on the control of the central bank of a nation in order to dominate its economy and government. This was what they did in England, France, Germany and Austria, allowing them to expand their power over the rest of Europe and the world.
Not surprisingly, the United States did not escape the world domination plans of the Rothschilds, quite the opposite. But here was where they found the greatest resistance because of the refusal of Americans to bow to a central bank.
Lots of Conspiranoids perceived the hand of the Rothschild behind all attempts to create a central bank in North America since the very beginning of the U.S. Constitution. Actually, this was not exactly true.
During and after the American Revolution, the so-called "founding fathers" showed opposed attitudes concerning the idea of forming a central bank.
England had tried to put the 13 North American colonies under the control of the Bank of England long before the Rothschilds set up their control over it. [1] Some founding fathers saw this as the "high" of English oppression, which -among other things, like the tax on Cuban molasses imports - led to the revolutionary war.[2]
However, other founding fathers favored the creation of a central bank and succeeded. In 1781, Congress issued an ordinance to incorporate the Bank of America as a national private bank to follow in the footsteps of the Bank of England. [3]
The functions of the Bank of North America, the first U.S. central bank, were dashed due to objections about "alarming foreign influence and favoritism, fraud claims and unfair competition from state banks. So, in 1785, the Pennsylvania legislature repealed its charter [4].
Six years later, in 1791, Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, agreed to support the transfer of the capital from New York to the banks of the Potomac in exchange for support for central bank project. As a result, that year, the First Bank of the United States was authorized by Congress.
Many accuse Hamilton of being an agent of the Rothschilds. However, these didn't have anything to do with the creation of the first two American central banks because they simply had no power to do so.
In 1791 Nathan Rothschild, with just 21, had just get established in England and his father, Mayer Amschel, had not yet reached the necessary influence over the Elector William of Hesse. [5]
However, as soon as the Rothschild extended their control over the major central banks in Europe and, especially, the Bank of England, they didn't rest until doing the same with America.
However, since its inception, the First Bank of the United States had become a center of currency speculation and monetary instability. Thomas Jefferson saw it as an engine for speculation, financial manipulation and corruption. [4] So the U.S. Congress in 1811 refused to renew the letter of the First Bank of the United States. [6]
Nathan Mayer Rothschild lost millions because of the refusal of the Congress to renew the charter of the U.S. central bank. Nathan, after 20 years of banking and stock manipulations in London, backed by the might of his family, had become the most powerful financial tycoon in Britain and he was in total position of strength [7]
While the Congress was deliberating the renewal of the charter of First Bank of America, Nathan issued his first threat of "Either the application for renewal of the Charter is granted, or the United States will be involved in the most disastrous war."
However, in Washington, Congress stood firm and the Charter was not renewed.
Nathan then ordered the British parliament to "Teach those impudent Americans a lesson: Bring them back to the colonial situation."
The British Prime Minister, Spencer Perceval, opposed to the demands of Nathan Rothschild, and coincidentally, on 11 May 1812, he made history as the only British prime minister to be assassinated in office. [8]
A month later, without having yet completed the mourning for his former Prime Minister, His Majesty's Government declared war on the U.S., despite being involved in the costly Napoleonic conflagration and in a profound economic and social crisis. [9]
It is true that among the reasons for the war of 1812 between the U.S. and England, were the British naval blockade to France, border disputes with Canada, etc. [10] However, in the end, the interests of the Rothschild had a major weight in the events.
And ultimately, Nathan Mayer Rothschild became the big winner of the conflict.
The war between the U.S. and Great Britain in 1814 ended in a sort of tie. However, U.S. had suffered great losses and the government debt soared along with inflation.
In the other hand, the Napoleonic wars had devastated the European agriculture and the American traders were eager to fill the huge gap in demand for food in the old continent.
For all the above, the same politicians that in the Congress and the White House had repealed the charter of the U.S. central bank, in 1816, were quick to sign the one that stated the establishment of the Second Bank of America . This, of course, fell back into the hands of the Rothschild, emerging now even more powerful after the Napoleonic era as the dominant force behind the major European central banks and, therefore, of their respective governments. **
Only a fifth of the capital of the Second Bank of North America belonged to the federal government. The rest came mostly from foreign investors. Among them was David Parish, the Rothschild agent in New York. Also, it appears that the Second Bank president, Nicholas Biddle, managed the bank according to these European interests (especially those of Rothschild) before the ones of Americans. [11]
Finally, excessive speculation, corruption and economic pressures on U.S. government agencies prompted President Andrew Jackson to withdraw the renewal of the charter of the Second Bank of America in 1836. [7]
Already in 1832, President Jackson ordered the Secretary of the Treasury to withdraw all deposits from the subsidiary banks of the Second Bank of America in order to deposit them in state banks. And, in 1835, he managed to pay all federal debt for the first and only time in history, which made the U.S. government independent from the control of the Anglo-American bankers. Maybe this caused him to be the first American president in suffering an assassination attempt in 1835. [12]
The suppression of the charter of the Second Bank of America in 1836 launched the so-called era of "free banking", during which prevailed banks authorized by the state with the power to issue money.
The Michigan Act of 1837 allowed the automatic authorization of banks that met the requirements without special permits from the state legislatures. This caused the proliferation of banks and what was called the "wildcat banking", accompanied by corruption, risky operations, anarchic money emissions, etc. [13]
Despite all the efforts of foreign bank branches and Americans (mostly Rothschilds’), in 1841, President John Tyler, against hundreds of death threats, vetoed the act to renew the charter of the Bank of America. This sealed the fate of the U.S. central bank project for the remaining of the nineteenth century. [14]
Despite they were in a vulnerable position without a national bank that ensure their interests, foreign investors saw an opportunity in state banks and sent its agents in order to create their own banks.
August Belmont, the principal agent of the Rothschilds in the U.S., established a large bank in New York and a number of other state banks in the south. The Rothschilds and other European investors made loans to state banks with very high interests and they had the controll over the lending decisions. [11]
Many state banks sought financing through the issuance of bonds, which in the end, were rejected by the difficulty of many banks, especially Southerners, to reimburse of the cost.
The Rothschilds and other foreign financial groups bought the repudiated bonds from the southern states and pressured the federal government to force these states to pay the claims in dispute. They also forced the federal government to assume the debts of state banks of the South as federal obligations. This heated the issue of "states' rights" against the "strong central authority", becoming, among many other burning issues, in the epicenter of the national crisis that led to the Civil War. [11]
Between February and March 1862 and March 1863, in order to pay the soaring cost of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln received congressional approval to raise a public loan of $ 450 million through the sale of the so-called greenbacks.
The greenback could not be redeemed until 1865, when three could be exchanged for one of silver. Still, they survived its original purpose and became full legal tender in 1879.
With the creation of "greenbacks", Lincoln solved the U.S. monetary crisis without the help of the International Bankers. In this way he earned the most dangerous enemies. [11]
The Times of London -reflecting the feelings in the City, the headquarters for Rothschild- said then about Lincoln's "greenbacks" "If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become endurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe." [11]
Years later, Bismarck, German Chancellor, said about Lincoln:
"He obtained from Congress the right to borrow from the people by selling to it the 'bonds' of States ... and the Government and the nation escaped the plots of the foreign financiers. They understood at once, that the United States would escape their grip. The death of Lincoln was resolved upon."[15]
After the (for many inevitable) Lincoln's assassination, Congress passed the Financing Act of April 12, 1866, in an attempt to remove the "greenbacks". This opened up the option to authorize national banks although it also greatly reduced the liquidity of the nation.
As an additional incentive for banks to submit to federal oversight, in 1865, Congress had begun to tax the notes of state banks (also called "letters of credit" or "vouchers") to a standard rate of 10 %, which encouraged many state banks to become national.
However, state banks responded to the widespread adoption of deposit accounts or checks that were the main source of income for many banks. This "dual banking system" of state and national banks led to a kind of anarchy amidst the thriving banking industry growth that led to the proliferation of commercial banks from the 1860's. [16]
In the midst of this activity, JP Morgan came to New York in 1857 and founded a branch of the London based bank of his father, Junus Morgan, an old agent of the Rothschild.***
With a ferocity and a insurmountable financial and business talent, and supported by the economic power of the Rothschild, Morgan -enemy of competition like Rockefeller- embarked on the conquest of America.
J.P. Morgan took advantage of financial crises and panics -when he don't created them-, whether sectorial or national, to take over whole branches of the economy in bankruptcy and eliminate competition. Thus, Morgan literally came to dominate banking, railways, metallurgy and the emerging electric industry, among others.
It is no coincidence that the three major economic crisis of 1873, 1893 and 1907 were linked with the speculations on railroads (from which Morgan went on to become almost the absolute Tsar) and the Morgan company was precisely the one which came to save U.S. economy, investing heavily in government bonds and bringing large quantities of gold from Europe to the U.S. [17]
Thanks to massive financial support from the Rothschilds'***, Morgan got almost the complete ascendancy over the U.S. banking and economy, acting as a central bank between 1893 and 1907.[15] This led to Lord Rothschild to send his warmest expression of "admiration and respect" to Morgan, his most valuable representative in America. [18]
However, Morgan realized that, despite the tremendous support of the Rothschild, he could never undertake the total financial dominance over the United States without the alliance with its fiercest competitor, the richest man in America, John D. Rockefeller.
For their part, especially after the breakup of their oil monopoly of the Standard Oil ***, the Rockefeller acknowledged that they could not control the economy and the U.S. government if not allied to the greatest financial power in the world, the House of Rothschild.
The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds and JP Morgan knew that financial panics and crises were the breeding ground for manipulating the economy as a whole in behalf their interests thanks to their fabulous liquidity.
After more than a century of political and economic struggles around the creation of an American Central bank, mainly controlled by the Rothschilds, the crisis of 1893 and 1907 gave to Morgan and Rockefeller the opportunity to justify the need of a central banking that would give them control over the economy and the U.S. government.
However, given the widespread rejection in North America to central banks and the foreing banking domination, they had to mask it under the disguise of the U.S. Federal Reserve.
The alliance with J.P. Morgan and Rothschild, as discussed in the following articles, will give access to the Rockefeller to the dome of global financial power. This will allow John D. Junior and their descendants to have a decisive influence on the economy and politics of both the United States and the whole world.
The influence of John D. Junior on world affairs will be inherited by his son David, the current head of the Rockefeller family.
Finally, we will see that the long relationship between David Rockefeller and Fidel Castro is deeply connected to the global financial and political leadership of the Rockefeller clan in alliance with the Rothschild.
Not surprisingly, the United States did not escape the world domination plans of the Rothschilds, quite the opposite. But here was where they found the greatest resistance because of the refusal of Americans to bow to a central bank.
Lots of Conspiranoids perceived the hand of the Rothschild behind all attempts to create a central bank in North America since the very beginning of the U.S. Constitution. Actually, this was not exactly true.
During and after the American Revolution, the so-called "founding fathers" showed opposed attitudes concerning the idea of forming a central bank.
England had tried to put the 13 North American colonies under the control of the Bank of England long before the Rothschilds set up their control over it. [1] Some founding fathers saw this as the "high" of English oppression, which -among other things, like the tax on Cuban molasses imports - led to the revolutionary war.[2]
However, other founding fathers favored the creation of a central bank and succeeded. In 1781, Congress issued an ordinance to incorporate the Bank of America as a national private bank to follow in the footsteps of the Bank of England. [3]
The functions of the Bank of North America, the first U.S. central bank, were dashed due to objections about "alarming foreign influence and favoritism, fraud claims and unfair competition from state banks. So, in 1785, the Pennsylvania legislature repealed its charter [4].
Six years later, in 1791, Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, agreed to support the transfer of the capital from New York to the banks of the Potomac in exchange for support for central bank project. As a result, that year, the First Bank of the United States was authorized by Congress.
Many accuse Hamilton of being an agent of the Rothschilds. However, these didn't have anything to do with the creation of the first two American central banks because they simply had no power to do so.
In 1791 Nathan Rothschild, with just 21, had just get established in England and his father, Mayer Amschel, had not yet reached the necessary influence over the Elector William of Hesse. [5]
However, as soon as the Rothschild extended their control over the major central banks in Europe and, especially, the Bank of England, they didn't rest until doing the same with America.
However, since its inception, the First Bank of the United States had become a center of currency speculation and monetary instability. Thomas Jefferson saw it as an engine for speculation, financial manipulation and corruption. [4] So the U.S. Congress in 1811 refused to renew the letter of the First Bank of the United States. [6]
Nathan Mayer Rothschild lost millions because of the refusal of the Congress to renew the charter of the U.S. central bank. Nathan, after 20 years of banking and stock manipulations in London, backed by the might of his family, had become the most powerful financial tycoon in Britain and he was in total position of strength [7]
While the Congress was deliberating the renewal of the charter of First Bank of America, Nathan issued his first threat of "Either the application for renewal of the Charter is granted, or the United States will be involved in the most disastrous war."
However, in Washington, Congress stood firm and the Charter was not renewed.
Nathan then ordered the British parliament to "Teach those impudent Americans a lesson: Bring them back to the colonial situation."
The British Prime Minister, Spencer Perceval, opposed to the demands of Nathan Rothschild, and coincidentally, on 11 May 1812, he made history as the only British prime minister to be assassinated in office. [8]
A month later, without having yet completed the mourning for his former Prime Minister, His Majesty's Government declared war on the U.S., despite being involved in the costly Napoleonic conflagration and in a profound economic and social crisis. [9]
It is true that among the reasons for the war of 1812 between the U.S. and England, were the British naval blockade to France, border disputes with Canada, etc. [10] However, in the end, the interests of the Rothschild had a major weight in the events.
And ultimately, Nathan Mayer Rothschild became the big winner of the conflict.
The war between the U.S. and Great Britain in 1814 ended in a sort of tie. However, U.S. had suffered great losses and the government debt soared along with inflation.
In the other hand, the Napoleonic wars had devastated the European agriculture and the American traders were eager to fill the huge gap in demand for food in the old continent.
For all the above, the same politicians that in the Congress and the White House had repealed the charter of the U.S. central bank, in 1816, were quick to sign the one that stated the establishment of the Second Bank of America . This, of course, fell back into the hands of the Rothschild, emerging now even more powerful after the Napoleonic era as the dominant force behind the major European central banks and, therefore, of their respective governments. **
Only a fifth of the capital of the Second Bank of North America belonged to the federal government. The rest came mostly from foreign investors. Among them was David Parish, the Rothschild agent in New York. Also, it appears that the Second Bank president, Nicholas Biddle, managed the bank according to these European interests (especially those of Rothschild) before the ones of Americans. [11]
Finally, excessive speculation, corruption and economic pressures on U.S. government agencies prompted President Andrew Jackson to withdraw the renewal of the charter of the Second Bank of America in 1836. [7]
Already in 1832, President Jackson ordered the Secretary of the Treasury to withdraw all deposits from the subsidiary banks of the Second Bank of America in order to deposit them in state banks. And, in 1835, he managed to pay all federal debt for the first and only time in history, which made the U.S. government independent from the control of the Anglo-American bankers. Maybe this caused him to be the first American president in suffering an assassination attempt in 1835. [12]
The suppression of the charter of the Second Bank of America in 1836 launched the so-called era of "free banking", during which prevailed banks authorized by the state with the power to issue money.
The Michigan Act of 1837 allowed the automatic authorization of banks that met the requirements without special permits from the state legislatures. This caused the proliferation of banks and what was called the "wildcat banking", accompanied by corruption, risky operations, anarchic money emissions, etc. [13]
Despite all the efforts of foreign bank branches and Americans (mostly Rothschilds’), in 1841, President John Tyler, against hundreds of death threats, vetoed the act to renew the charter of the Bank of America. This sealed the fate of the U.S. central bank project for the remaining of the nineteenth century. [14]
Despite they were in a vulnerable position without a national bank that ensure their interests, foreign investors saw an opportunity in state banks and sent its agents in order to create their own banks.
August Belmont, the principal agent of the Rothschilds in the U.S., established a large bank in New York and a number of other state banks in the south. The Rothschilds and other European investors made loans to state banks with very high interests and they had the controll over the lending decisions. [11]
Many state banks sought financing through the issuance of bonds, which in the end, were rejected by the difficulty of many banks, especially Southerners, to reimburse of the cost.
The Rothschilds and other foreign financial groups bought the repudiated bonds from the southern states and pressured the federal government to force these states to pay the claims in dispute. They also forced the federal government to assume the debts of state banks of the South as federal obligations. This heated the issue of "states' rights" against the "strong central authority", becoming, among many other burning issues, in the epicenter of the national crisis that led to the Civil War. [11]
Between February and March 1862 and March 1863, in order to pay the soaring cost of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln received congressional approval to raise a public loan of $ 450 million through the sale of the so-called greenbacks.
The greenback could not be redeemed until 1865, when three could be exchanged for one of silver. Still, they survived its original purpose and became full legal tender in 1879.
With the creation of "greenbacks", Lincoln solved the U.S. monetary crisis without the help of the International Bankers. In this way he earned the most dangerous enemies. [11]
The Times of London -reflecting the feelings in the City, the headquarters for Rothschild- said then about Lincoln's "greenbacks" "If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become endurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe." [11]
Years later, Bismarck, German Chancellor, said about Lincoln:
"He obtained from Congress the right to borrow from the people by selling to it the 'bonds' of States ... and the Government and the nation escaped the plots of the foreign financiers. They understood at once, that the United States would escape their grip. The death of Lincoln was resolved upon."[15]
After the (for many inevitable) Lincoln's assassination, Congress passed the Financing Act of April 12, 1866, in an attempt to remove the "greenbacks". This opened up the option to authorize national banks although it also greatly reduced the liquidity of the nation.
As an additional incentive for banks to submit to federal oversight, in 1865, Congress had begun to tax the notes of state banks (also called "letters of credit" or "vouchers") to a standard rate of 10 %, which encouraged many state banks to become national.
However, state banks responded to the widespread adoption of deposit accounts or checks that were the main source of income for many banks. This "dual banking system" of state and national banks led to a kind of anarchy amidst the thriving banking industry growth that led to the proliferation of commercial banks from the 1860's. [16]
In the midst of this activity, JP Morgan came to New York in 1857 and founded a branch of the London based bank of his father, Junus Morgan, an old agent of the Rothschild.***
With a ferocity and a insurmountable financial and business talent, and supported by the economic power of the Rothschild, Morgan -enemy of competition like Rockefeller- embarked on the conquest of America.
J.P. Morgan took advantage of financial crises and panics -when he don't created them-, whether sectorial or national, to take over whole branches of the economy in bankruptcy and eliminate competition. Thus, Morgan literally came to dominate banking, railways, metallurgy and the emerging electric industry, among others.
It is no coincidence that the three major economic crisis of 1873, 1893 and 1907 were linked with the speculations on railroads (from which Morgan went on to become almost the absolute Tsar) and the Morgan company was precisely the one which came to save U.S. economy, investing heavily in government bonds and bringing large quantities of gold from Europe to the U.S. [17]
Thanks to massive financial support from the Rothschilds'***, Morgan got almost the complete ascendancy over the U.S. banking and economy, acting as a central bank between 1893 and 1907.[15] This led to Lord Rothschild to send his warmest expression of "admiration and respect" to Morgan, his most valuable representative in America. [18]
However, Morgan realized that, despite the tremendous support of the Rothschild, he could never undertake the total financial dominance over the United States without the alliance with its fiercest competitor, the richest man in America, John D. Rockefeller.
For their part, especially after the breakup of their oil monopoly of the Standard Oil ***, the Rockefeller acknowledged that they could not control the economy and the U.S. government if not allied to the greatest financial power in the world, the House of Rothschild.
The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds and JP Morgan knew that financial panics and crises were the breeding ground for manipulating the economy as a whole in behalf their interests thanks to their fabulous liquidity.
After more than a century of political and economic struggles around the creation of an American Central bank, mainly controlled by the Rothschilds, the crisis of 1893 and 1907 gave to Morgan and Rockefeller the opportunity to justify the need of a central banking that would give them control over the economy and the U.S. government.
However, given the widespread rejection in North America to central banks and the foreing banking domination, they had to mask it under the disguise of the U.S. Federal Reserve.
The alliance with J.P. Morgan and Rothschild, as discussed in the following articles, will give access to the Rockefeller to the dome of global financial power. This will allow John D. Junior and their descendants to have a decisive influence on the economy and politics of both the United States and the whole world.
The influence of John D. Junior on world affairs will be inherited by his son David, the current head of the Rockefeller family.
Finally, we will see that the long relationship between David Rockefeller and Fidel Castro is deeply connected to the global financial and political leadership of the Rockefeller clan in alliance with the Rothschild.
* In the previous article, because of errors of the sources, I said wrongly that Meyer Amschel Rothschild had made his fortune juggling with the salaries of Hessian mercenaries hired by William I of Hesse to the British for their colonial wars and that this could have helped the victory Washington. This is completely wrong, honoring the American General. Actually, the Hessian troops cheated by Rothschild, were the ones used by the Britons in the Napoleonic wars. Excuse me my readers for the inaccuracies. The truth is that the Rothschilds began to have economic and political influence in the Napoleonic era. (See The Rise of the House ot the Rothschild by Count Egon Caesar Corti, Viena, 1927 p. 27 http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivos_pdf/rise_houserothschild.pdf)
** See THE CUBAN CONSPIRACY (FOUR) THE ROTHSCHILD, Wednesday, December 1, 2010
[1] The Currency Act. http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/related/currencyact.htm
[2] The Revenue Act of 1764, http://www.historycentral.com/revolt/sugart.html
[3] The Bank Of North America. http://chestofbooks.com/finance/banking/Banking-Credits-And-Finance/The-Bank-Of-North-America.html
[4] History of central banking in the United States. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_central_banking_in_the_United_States
[5] The Rise of the House ot the Rothschild by Count Egon Caesar Corti, Viena, 1927 p. 27 http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivos_pdf/rise_houserothschild.pdf
[6]America's Forgotten War Against The Central Banks by Mike Hewitt, http://www.financialsensearchive.com/fsu/editorials/dollardaze/2007/1020.html
[7] President Andrew Jackson http://www.scatteredremnant.org/AndrewJackson.pdf
[8] Spencer Perceval http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spencer_Perceva
[9] http://pakalert.wordpress.com/2009/11/10/house-of-rothschild-no-one-can-understand-what-has-happened-to-the-planet-without-reading-this/
[10] United States Declares War on Great Britain http://www.historycentral.com/1812/Declares.html
[11] http://www.xat.org/xat/usury.html
[12] Trying to Assassinate President Jackson ttp://www.americanheritage.com/articles/web/20070130-richard-lawrence-andrew-jackson-assassination-warren-r-davis.shtml
[13] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wildcat_banking
[14] http://www.dieweltderwahrheit.de/0BB/SOS/TheRothschildHorrorPictureshow/Eng/1-10PagesSOS/SOS4Monopoly.htm
[15] FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order http://prernalal.com/banned%20books/NWO.-.Final.Warning.-.History.of.the.New.World.Order.pdf p 69
[16] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banking_in_the_United_States
[17] http://www.xat.org/xat/moneyhistory.html
[18] Bruner, Robert F.; Carr, Sean D. (2007), The Panic of 1907: Lessons Learned from the Market's Perfect Storm, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 9780470152638 citado en http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panic_of_1907#CITEREFBrunerCarr2007
Cuba implanta a conspiração judáica através do comunismo sionista.Razão pelo qual Cuba se mantem de pé!